I was watching a movie and had a hankering for some popcorn, but didn't have any microwave kind! So I looked up this recipe and it worked perfectly! This recipe makes 2 very large servings. I found this recipe from www.simplyrecipes.com.
3 Tbsp grape seed or canola oil
1/3 cup high quality popcorn
1 3-quart saucepan
2 Tbsp of butter (or more to taste)
salt to taste
1. Heat the oil on medium-high heat in saucepan. Salt oil.
2. Put 3-4 kernels in the pan with oil and cover.
3. When kernels pop add the rest of the 1/3 cup of popcorn to the pan. Cover and remove from heat and count to 30 seconds.
4. Return the pan to heat. The popcorn should start popping soon. Once it is popping, gently shake the pan by moving it back and forth across the burner. Try to keep the cover slightly ajar to let the steam out. Once the popping has a few seconds between pops, remove the cover and dump all the popcorn in a deep bowl.
5. Melt butter in the empty pan and mix in with popcorn. Enjoy!
Beth's Rating: 7/10
Link to original recipe:
Popcorn from Scratch